Former Asst Dir of IB, RN Kulkarni, 82, dies in a deadly car accident

The VV Puram traffic police had also visited the spot and registered the hit-and-run case. However, upon further going of investigated the case, the police said that the RN Kulkarni case appears to be a planned murder.

What Actually Happened?

Mystery related to the demise of 82-year-old former Intelligence Bureau (IB) Officer RN Kulkarni, who died on Saturday after a car is suspected to have knocked him down while he was at his routine evening walk in Manasagangothri campus of Mysore University in Mysore. What appeared seemed to be a hit-and-run case initially, later turned out to be a planned murder of the former IB Officer as the police began a probe.  

RN Kulkarni age 82, who was a resident of Sharadadevinagar in Mysore, was on an evening walk at the Manasa Gangothri campus at about 5.45 pm on Friday. He had arrived on campus in his car along with his driver.  VV Puram traffic police had also visited the spot and registered a hit-and-run road accident as the result of negligence and rash driving. However, upon investigating the case, the police said that the case appears to look like a planned murder.

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According to the CCTV footage, a speeding car without the number plate is seen intentionally driving towards the IB officer, who was on his usual walk at the side of the road, and hit him. The driver didn’t stop after he hit RN Kulkarni. Initially, police also lodged a hit-and-run case but after observing CCTV footage they suspect it to be a planned murder. The police have also registered a murder case and it will be investigated by the Jayalakshmipiram police.
