R.I.P: Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, Where is Ian Huntley now?

DEPRAVED Ian Huntley has disclosed his guilt at the brutal Soham killings seven times in just seven seconds while being interviewed by the police officers. The monster murdered ten-year-old schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman 20 years ago today in a case that horrified the nation.

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What Did Ian Huntley Do?

Ian Huntley had abducted the pals and murdered them after luring them both to his home in Soham on August 4, 2002. He then threw their bodies in a remote ditch, cutting off their clothes and torching their corpses. During a two-week appeal to find the girls, Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, Huntley gave TV interviews and joined in searches while his then-girlfriend Maxine Carr gave him a false alibi. Body language expert Dr. Cliff Lansley has now disclosed the tell-tale signs Huntley displayed in a chilling police interview that exposed him as the double killer.

Dr. Lansley who is from the Emotional Intelligence Academy said the horrible Ian betrayed himself seven times when asked if he had any “physical contact with the girls”. Huntley shifts in his seat mid-way through the question and then responds: “Physical contact, no.” Dr. Lansley told The Sun Online this is a “definite lie” due to the killer’s unconscious “body language leakage”. He has also identified Huntley’s increase in body tension when he clamps his wrist with his other hand.

Holly and Jessica were missing from a family barbecue at the Cambridgeshire village of Soham on August 4, 2002. Huntley had taken the girls to his house and murdered them before dumping their bodies in woods near RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk. He has also helped with the search for the missing girls but police grew suspicious of his questioning, especially when he asked how long DNA evidence lasts.

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He, a caretaker at the local Soham Village College, was arrested after the girls’ bodies were discovered 13 days later. He later admitted he had returned to the site and set ablaze their dead bodies.

Is Ian Huntley in Jail?

Huntley has been convicted in the year of 2003 of the girls’ murders and sentenced to a minimum term of 40 years in jail. Carr was jailed for perverting the course of justice and released in 2004 with a new identity.
