Wayne Duplock, also known as Big Chubby on TikTok, is a British man. His account had 618k followers at the time of his death, and he was known for creating hilarious videos with his family. He used to give shoutouts to his fans to increase his fanbase.
He gained a huge following after he shared an inspirational video featuring professional football player, Cristiano Ronaldo. Wayne’s death was disclosed in a TikTok video posted on Friday by his mother and partner.
Obituary: Big Chubby Died- Death Cause
Sadly, Big Chubby’s mother and partner have announced his death. They posted a TikTok video explaining when he died and how it occurred. “Hi, it’s taken us a long time to make this video, but from me and Wayne’s mother, we want to inform you that Big Chubby has gone away,” Big Chubby’s partner said in a TikTok video posted on Big Chubby’s account on November 26th, 2021.
Pleurisy was the reason for Big Chubby’s death. Pleurisy is a medical name for a disorder in which the pleura, two broad, thin layers of tissue that divide the lungs from the chest walls, become inflamed. It is brought on by infections produced by a variety of bacteria. Big Chubby had been in the hospital for quite some time because he was having severe respiratory difficulties. After the pain did not subside, it was determined that he was suffering from Pleurisy.
Big Chubby Age, Date of Birth, Birthday, Family, what about his father, mother, where is he from? Early Life
Big Chubby was 38 years old when he died. He was born on February 4, 1983, in Leicester, England. We don’t have information about his parents and family. However, his mother and daughter have announced his death through the TikTok video.
Before his TikTok career took off, he was formerly active on Facebook.
Which school and college did he go to? What was his major?
Information regarding his educational journey has not been revealed yet.
Big Chubby Net worth, how much does he earn?
Currently, we don’t have any information regarding his net worth.
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However, looking at his fan following he must have earned a good sum of money.
Big Chubb Wife, What about his relationship?
We don’t have any information regarding his wife. However, we know he was a married man. His daughter was seen in one of his TikTok videos. His wife and mother announced his death in a TikTok video.
Is Big Chubby available on any kind of social media platform?
Big Chubby was available on TikTok and Instagram.
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On Instagram, he had 22.6k followers and more than 600k followers on his TikTok account. However, his TikTok account seems to be deleted at the moment.
Big Chubby Body Appearance Height, Weight
Height | N / A |
Hair color | Bald |
Eye color | N / A |
Weight | N / A |
Body type | Chubby |
Sexual orientation | Straight |
Interesting facts about Big Chubby which you should be known about
Nationality | England |
Ethnicity | White |
Zodiac sign | Aquarius |
Relationship Status | Married |
Children | N / A |
Spouse | N / A |