Who is Michael Jefferson? Age, Wife, Family, Net worth, Wiki, Biography, Jailed for the role in a blackmail plot

Michael Jefferson King, 60, who played Shadow in the classic 1990s drama Gladiators, was sentenced to six years in prison for a blackmail plan.

Michael Jefferson King was a bodybuilder and wrestler in the past. In the 1990s, he rose to prominence as Shadow in the hit ITV show Gladiators.

King, on the other hand, fell into a downward spiral of addiction and substance abuse. It cost him his job at ITV, as well as his name, fame, family, and children.

Michael Jefferson King: Ex-Gladiators star ‘Shadow’ jailed for role in blackmail plot

Michael Jefferson King, better known as Shadow from the 1990s ITV game show Gladiators, has been sentenced to six years and three months in prison after confessing to two counts of blackmail.

A bodybuilder best known for his involvement in the 1990s TV show Gladiators has been sentenced to prison for his role in a drug debt blackmail plan.

Michael Jefferson King, better known as Shadow from the ITV quiz show, was one of four guys who held Aaron Ali at a flat in Acton, west London, for hours.        

Mr. Ali went through an eight-hour experience that included being beaten and being filmed for “very disturbing” films delivered to his family in order to extort a ransom of up to £1,000.

After Mr Ali attempted to run, King, 60, allegedly instructed a co-defendant to “bring a hammer to break his legs.”

After confessing to two counts of blackmail at Isleworth Crown Court on Friday, the former Gladiators star, a long-time user of crack cocaine and heroin, was sentenced to six years and three months in prison.

Three other suspects were jailed for their roles in the attack: so-called ringleader Simon Batson, Donna Harman, and Otis Noel.

Batson, 39, of Burlington Gardens in Acton, west London, was sentenced to six years and nine months in prison for two charges of blackmail, which was reduced by a month when the judge made an error in computing his early guilty plea discount.

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Michael Jefferson Age, Date of Birth, Birthday, Family, what about his father, mother, where is he from? Early Life.

Michael Jefferson King is a 60-year-old civil rights activist. He was born to Jamaican parents in London. When he was 14 years old, he relocated to New York City, where he became a drug addict. He eventually overcame his addiction and returned to England. He married and raised a family there. According to The Sun, he then put his life back on track and focused on bodybuilding.

Michael Jefferson family

In 1992, he was cast in the British sports entertainment game program Gladiators, where he played Shadow. Shadow’s icy stare and duel events made him a fan favorite.

He went back to his old habits in 1995, testing positive for steroids. He was fired from the Gladiators as a result of it. Things took a turn for the worse when he relapsed into drug misuse, lost his family, and his home.

For two decades, he battled drug addiction and became embroiled in the criminal underworld, serving a string of prison sentences.

Michael Jefferson Net worth, how much did he earn?

As per the news, he has a lavishing lifestyle. According to his lifestyle and living standard, his net worth must be in the millions.

His net worth must be between $3 million – $8 million approximately.

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Michael Jefferson Girlfriend, His Relationship, What about Children?

Olivia King was Michael Jefferson King’s wife. They also have two children, Theo and Tiffany, who are twins.

His drug addiction cost him his marriage in the end. His relationship with his children deteriorated as well.

In 2009, he entered treatment. He stayed clean and worked at a rehabilitation center, where he assisted people with drug addictions.

He re-established contact with his children, ex-wife, and mother after staying clean. By 2020, however, he was back on narcotics.

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Michael Jefferson Career

King received a phone call from the makers of ITV’s Gladiators in Birmingham, asking him to join the show as he was ready to enter the world of professional bodybuilding. Shadow was known for his steely look and dominance in the ‘Duel’ competition. He was one of the Gladiators’ most respected and terrifying members, and in the Joust event, he once punched his opponent so hard that the ends of the pugil stick were obviously destroyed. He was also a successful captain for the Gladiators. Early in 1995, King was embroiled in a steroid abuse scandal, which cost him his job on the show. After consuming narcotics in a London nightclub in King’s Cross, he was exposed by the press.

King traveled to London to start a business after losing his job, his home in Kidderminster, and his wife’s children (who had moved to Essex)

. King went on to become a professional wrestler and made a cameo appearance in the Spice Girls film Spiceworld in 1997. However, after his fall from grace, he turned to narcotics once more, and he became addicted to heroin and crack cocaine, among other drugs. For nearly two decades, he battled his addiction, resorting to a life of crime to support his drug habit, which landed him in and out of jail.

King was discovered in possession of an elderly person’s bus pass, which he had handed to the driver to enter the bus, while riding on the upper deck of a 205 bus in Southall, London, in March 2005, despite the fact that he was only 43 at the time. He was detained and transported to Southall Police Station for being in possession of stolen stuff.

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In an April 2011 interview, he stated that he had finally overcome his addiction

He was working at a drug rehabilitation clinic to assist people with drug addictions, as well as that he had re-established contact with his ex-wife and twin children Theo and Tiffany, as well as his mother, whom he had avoided for years because “he didn’t want her seeing him like that.”

In March 2020, King was a member of a criminal group charged with a number of offenses in connection with the kidnapping, assault, and false imprisonment of Aaron Ali in Acton, west London, and a subsequent blackmail attempt on Ali’s family. King and another man pleaded guilty to blackmail offenses at Isleworth Crown Court and were remanded in custody pending sentencing. The charges against four additional defendants in the case were all denied.

In 2021, he was sentenced to six years in prison for kidnapping, assaulting, and falsely imprisoning Aaron Ali.

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Where he attended his High school and University? What was his major?

He was born to Jamaican parents in London. As a 14-year-old, King relocated to New York City. He was a member of the school’s American Football team and excelled in athletics there. He began lifting weights and building his physique at that time.

Michael Jefferson Social Media Reach

He is not on social media.

Michael Jefferson FAQ’S

Michael Jefferson King, 60, who played Shadow in the classic 1990s drama Gladiators, was sentenced to six years in prison for a blackmail plan.

Currently, he is 60 years old and now he is behind the bars because of a kidnapping case.

Olivia King is the wife of Michael Jefferson and they have twins children.

No, he does not use social media as he is too old to handle it.

No, he is not an actor but a bodybuilder and a wrestler.

Michael Jefferson’s Body Appearance Height, Weight

Height   In Feet: 6 feet 4 inch
Centimeter: 195 cm
Meter: 1.95 m
WeightN / A
Eye ColorBrown
Body TypeFit
Sexual OrientationStraight


Interesting facts about Michael Jefferson’s which you should know

EthnicityN / A
Zodiac Sign
Not Available
Net Worth $2 to $8 million
Single/ In a relationship Married
Current Girlfriend/ SpouseOlivia King
ChildrenTwo children
