The animal mauled Joanne Robinson, 43, at a residence in the West Melton neighborhood on Friday. At the scene, she was pronounced deceased.
Extreme heat “driven mad” the large dog that killed a mother of two.
A distraught grandmother described how her pet dog mauled her daughter to death and cautioned the public to be cautious around animals. The grandmother feels the dog “went insane in the intense heat.” Mum-of-two Joanne Robinson, 43, is believed to have been grabbed around the throat inside her home during a night out seeing a friend before being pinned down by the teeth of her Bully XL named Rocco.
The victim’s distraught mother claimed that her anxious boyfriend Jamie Stead made a valiant effort to fend off the beast, which was “larger than a lion.” In order to treat possibly life-altering injuries, he underwent skin grafting after being mauled while attempting to save his wailing spouse.
Dotty Robinson said: “I am in such astonishment and shock. Candles and passionate condolences are adorning the garden wall outside the family home in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. I only hope she didn’t endure too much pain and that it was short.
Dotty warned dog owners to be particularly watchful of their pets during the brutal heatwave planned in the UK, where temperatures are predicted to reach as high as 40C in certain regions. She added, “Try to keep your dogs cool.” Keep them indoors and provide them with lots of water. They experience the heat, too. The residence of her daughter has a sign on the front wall that reads, “Beware of dog.”
How Joanne was?
I want everyone to know how much liked Joanne Robinson was, a well-known former employee who worked with disabled people, she said. She has been raised in this village her entire life. Everyone who knows her adores her. Dotty described how Lola, a Bully XL b*tch who was two years old, and Rocco, who was almost two, were both taken into custody by the police.
The nine-generation gran described the family’s horrific ordeal while being backed by other members. She explained how her daughter and her partner had had the canines since they were puppies. “They were good dogs, they are not a prohibited breed, and they were not dangerous,” she claimed. Despite not being related, they got along well. I’m not sure what made them lose it so quickly.
“I can only assume that they became crazy due to the intense heat. It must have angered them. The size of Rocco is comparable to a lion. His granddaughter, who was crying, continued, “He was like a miniature horse.” They’ve owned the pups since they were puppies, according to Dotty, a local mother of three. They caused no problems. It had to be the heat.
Crazy dogs don’t walk in the noonday sun
There is a proverb that says “crazy dogs don’t walk in the noonday sun.” More shocked neighbors and friends have kept memorials and other forms of expression at the house where “kind and kind” Joanne was hacked to death on Friday night.
The couple’s 20-year residence was covered in a sea of cards, flowers, and balloons, including a touching one from Joanne’s older children Elle, 24, and Dillon, 19, which read: “Mum I love and miss you.” Reliving the trauma, Dotty related how her daughter had gone to see a friend and had returned home at 10 o’clock.
“She was downstairs when Rocco suddenly attacked her, it got her, I assume it was around the throat,” she said. Steady, Joanne’s partner but whom we refer to as her husband, attempted to save her as Lola, who was going insane, tried to be protective.
“I’m hoping it was quick,” Dotty continued. I find it unbearable to consider her suffering. Although the results of the postmortem are still pending, I believe she was strangled. Today is the due date. Jamie, 42, the owner of a blind manufacturing company, had skin grafting done after sustaining damage to his face, both arms, and stomach.