Archie and George Tilley brutally beat a 47-year-old father, causing him brain damage    

The savage brothers, Archie and George Tilley who broke a former care worker’s skull when he attempted to defend a student smiled later as they braggled about the assault.

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ZERO SHAME Teenage thugs brutally beat a 47-year-old father who tried to protect a son, leaving him brain-damaged, in this horrifying video.

Archie and George Tilley, brothers aged 16 and 14, were shown on surveillance footage grinning and throwing punches in the air as they acted out their assault on Alan Willson. In the video, Archie is disturbingly seen imitating his victim by clutching his face and cocking his head backward. Shortly after they attacked Mr. Willson, 47, in a park in Worthing, West Sussex, the film was shot at a train station.

Before starting the ill pantomime, the males, who were bragging to a bunch of girls, unintentionally stroll directly under a camera. Archie assumes the lead and makes motions to the other boys before grabbing one and showing him what he accomplished.

His brother lunges forwards in the backdrop as though about to strike. With one hand across his chest, Archie then grabs hold of his own head and tilts it back. The attackers were described as “fake thumping the air” and giggling “please stop” by a teen who talked to them. The victim was struck with a wooden log, which resulted in severe and permanently altering brain lesions. After the Easter Sunday attack last year, he still has “no mental capacity” and is unable to walk or speak. The Tilley brothers were sentenced to 12 years in prison today; during a prior court appearance, they were seen grinning while raising their middle fingers.

The Sun filed a Request

After The Sun filed a request to invalidate the automatic award of anonymity to underage defendants, their identities can now be made public. GBH without purpose was judged to be committed by 18-year-old Harry Furlong of Horsham, West Sussex. He received a 20-month sentence, with the remaining 10 months served on probation. Previous testimony at Lewes Crown Court described how one of the teenagers, who were ages 13, 14, and 17, shoved Mr. Willson over after a dispute over a frisbee.

archie and george tilley family
source: TWITTER

Then, he was “whacked” with a 3-foot log, breaking his ribs with a “loud crack.” The extent of Mr. Willson’s injuries prevented responders from identifying him as an adult. Annie Willson, the wife of Mr. Willson, described her anguish in an exclusive interview with The Sun. She stated she was given a few moments to say farewell after he first arrived at the hospital, comforting her husband as he sobbed. “You have three minutes to speak to him, they stated. He needs surgery or he’ll die, so let’s get him there,” “She spoke. “I entered and asked if I may touch him. I kissed him and told him, “Do what you need to do.”

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The injuries Mr. Willson sustained were “non-survivable,” doctors cautioned. He suffered four brain injuries, broken posterior and anterior ribs, three spine fractures, a fractured face, fractured orbital bone, fractured jaw, and countless other traumas that I can’t even recall, according to Mrs. Willson. “They told me to go home and organize a funeral because his injuries weren’t treatable, which I did.” Mr. Willson survived his operations. However, his life had been irrevocably altered.
