Fotios Geas, Paul J. DeCologero, And Sean McKinnon: Who are they? Charged Over The Murder Of Joseph ‘Whitey’ Bulger

The American criminal James Joseph “Whitey” Bulger Jr was the famed organized crime boss who was the leader of the Winter Hill Gang in the Winter Hill neighborhood. The Winter Hill neighborhood is in Somerville, Massachusetts, a city that is northwest of Boston.

Bulger came from a family of Irish background. His father, James Joseph Bulger Sr, hails from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland in Canada, and his parents are Irish. Bulger Sr moved to Everett, Massachusetts, where he met and married Jane Veronica “Jean” McCarthy which is a first-generation Irish immigrant. The family had four kids: James Joseph Bulger Jr, William Bulger, John P. Bulger, and James Joseph “Whitey” Bulger.

The kids’ childhood was poverty-stricken, especially after their father, who has worked as a union laborer and sometimes as a longshoreman and even lost his arm in an industrial accident. Their poverty led to the family’s transferring to the Marry Ellen McCormack Housing project, which had recently opened in South Boston in May 1938.

Despite the family’s poverty, the rest of the Bulger children was brilliant at school and went on to live successful lives, with William Bulger becoming a politician, lawyer, and educator, his eighteen-year tenure as the president of Massachusetts State, being the longest in history. Whitey Bulger, though, became drawn to street life and already earned a nickname the police called “Whitey” because of his blonde hair. His life would only get more enticed in crime from there.

Who Are Fotios Geas, Paul J. DeCologero, And Sean McKinnon?

Whitey Bugler was severally beaten and stabbed to death at 89 through multiple inmates, among whom Fotios Geas, Paul J DeCologero, and Sean Mckinnon were summoned.

From being known as “Whitey” to drug dealing, Arms has trafficking, murder, and gang wars throughout his life, Bugler would check off every activity that could be on a criminal’s to-do list. For a decade and a half, from 1979 to the mid-90s, Bulger also owned Boston, and nothing that happened in the underground happened without his knowledge and more.

With power comes enemies, and with as long and as fruitful a criminal career as Bulger had, he’d also made a lot of enemies who were waiting for a way to get even with him. On October 30, 2018, they found an ideal opportunity.

In 2018, Bulger was in the United States Penitentiary, Hazelton, in West Virginia. He was in bad health, in a wheelchair because his damaged hip made him unable to walk. He was perfectly weak. His vulnerability put him snugly in the hands of Massachusetts-based mafia hit man Fotios “Freddy” Geas, who orchestrated Bulger’s brutal killing, which left the old mobster’s eyes gouged out and tongue almost cut off.

Jail Sentence and Charges For Fotios Geas, Paul J. DeCologero, And Sean Mckinnon

On April 18, 2022, Fotios Geas, Paul J. DeCologero, and Sean McKinnon were among 4 people who are concerned about the beating and subsequent death of James “White Bulger.” The three men were charged with conspiracy to commit first-degree murder. 55-year-old Geas and 48-yer-old DeCologero are accused of assaulting Bulger multiple times in the head and directly causing his death in October 2018. The two have also been charged with aiding and abetting first-degree murder.

This charge is alongside the charge for assault resulting in serious bodily injury. Geas also faces a separate murder charge because he is a federal inmate serving a life sentence. McKinnon also faces a separate charge of making false statements to a federal agent.

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Geas is still housed at the USP Hazelton, where the crime took place. DeColeogero is currently housed in the federal prison system. McKinnon had been on federal supervised release at the time of indictment but was arrested in Florida on August 18, 2022. Though the death was brutal and somewhat tragic, not many besides some of Bulger’s few remaining family members mourned for the guy.
