A worldwide spread of Covid-19

What about the coronavirus?

A coronavirus (covid-19) is a pandemic disease that spread from one person to another through contact with the infected person when they cough and sneeze. Moreover, it is transmitted when individuals touch a poisoning and polluting surface then touch their eyes, nose or mouth.

For the first time, the outbreak was identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019. More than 192 countries and territories around the world are facing it because there is no specific medicine to prevent or treat coronavirus disease.

That’s why the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended it as a pandemic on 11 March 2020. According to WHO, more than 382,000 confirmed cases resulting in more than 16500 deaths and more than 102,000 recoveries of Covid-19 have been reported.


The case of the novel coronavirus was traced back to 1 December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The Chinese government informs that the first victim was 55 years old man who got ill on 17 November 2019. Next month, the number of coronavirus cases gradually increased to a couple of hundred cases.

On 31 December 2019, the virus had caused unknown pneumonia in Wuhan. The virus was seen by the seafood which was sold at the Huanan Wholesale market of seafood in the Jianghan district of China.

Impacts of coronavirus pandemic

Education :

As of 20 March, more than 960 million children and other students are affected by school closures. The number of children, youths, and adults are not attending schools and universities because of COVID-19 is increasing rapidly.

According to UNESCO, over 100 countries have implemented nationwide closures and providing support to states or nations to minimize educational disruption and facilitate the continuity of learning, especially for the most vulnerable.

Culture :

As a result of coronavirus transmission among people, there are restrictions on public gatherings. Furthermore, Tourist attractions and cultural institutions are also among the risky places to be as the infection spreads.

In response to the growing threat of coronavirus, different museums, temples, churches, and monuments are closed. In the present situation, event planners have also canceled the festival and fairs to stay safe.

Hospitality and tourism sector :

Travel is the backbone of economies around the world. But In the present case, people cannot go and travel to any places around the world. Due to reduced travel and tourism and a slowdown in economic activity, the hotel will be the first property to be affected by a coronavirus.

Both the hospitality and tourism industry is at risk because it would take up to 10 months for the industry to recover once the outbreak is over. The coronavirus has convulsed the world tourism industry, with large hotel chains.

Politics :

The government has been heavily impacted by the coronavirus outbreak. The coronavirus pandemic affected the political systems of multiple countries causing suspensions of legislative activities, isolation or deaths of multiple politicians, and rescheduling of elections due to fears of spreading the virus. To combat the outbreak, a few countries are coordinating to make vaccination for its treatment and cure.

The signs & symptoms of COVID-19

The symptoms of this disease can be subjective or objective. The subjective symptom is tiredness whereas cough and fever are objective symptoms. People may be sick with the virus for 14 days before developing symptoms.

Without special treatment, there is an 80% chance to be recovered from the disease. Older people and those with other medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, or heart diseases are affecting this virus so quickly. The development of the disease causes Severe pneumonia, increased heart rate, and death.

The common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, tiredness and difficulties in breathing. These symptoms begin gradually. Some people become infected but do not develop any symptoms. And if one feels unwell, he should immediately seek medical attention.


Currently, there is no vaccine but we can protect ourselves if we attempt to follow these preventive measures:

  • Cover your mouth and nose with handkerchief or tissue when you cough and sneeze.
  • Wash and clean your hands properly with handwash and water or alcohol-based sanitizer that kills all the germs.
  • Don’t go to the crowd areas and avoid close contact with people who are infected.
  • Don’t go out of the home if you are ill.
  • Do not touch any contaminated surface and then your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Seek medical care early if you have a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing.
  • Follow the advice given by your healthcare provider.

Latest updates for coronavirus (covid-19)


